Monday, July 7, 2014

Communication Artifact

Because I am not a overly-talented person in the arts of, well, anything, I decided to offer a little bit of critique and analysis of the website for The Desert Rat and possibly begin to build a simple version of something I believe could be more effective.

My first impression of the website is, unsurprisingly, borderline impressed. For a small local business, the creativity fostered in the background of each page is impressive. However, although the site sticks to the overall style guide of font and color, I think it would be more effective for the background to possess a more "desert-y" color, such as a sand color, or an actual picture of the area taken by a customer, with it possibly rotating through on a weekly basis. I think the white background contradicts the rest of the desert theme of the style.

The site also does a respectable job of drawing in the attention to the top left of the screen, with the Desert Rate logo beginning the process of guiding one's eye in the Z pattern.  What I do not like is that there is not a lot of things to draw attention to and the pages are very bland. Because the site is not an online store, it doesn't necessarily need to have a ton of things, but some more info and a few more graphic elements, such as photos or videos, would be great additions. Using the rule of the and various layout designs for each page, the site could remain very simple while also providing necessary information.

I have begun building a website using with a basic idea of something I have in mind. (It is nowhere near complete).

Group project personas and communication objectives

Target Market
Becca, 16, is a junior at Snow Canyon High School who loves spending time with her friends. She recently received her driver’s license and has been yearning to go and have adventures. Her parents encourage her to try new things and stay fit and active. Becca loves boating with her family, but loves to spend time outdoors with her friends. She is involved in multiple clubs at school.

Rob, 28, and Susan, 26, is a young married couple with a 1-year-old baby boy. Rob works construction with his father-in-law while Susan stays home to take care of their son.  Prior to getting married, the couple enjoyed traveling together and spending a lot of time planning out vacations. They recently started going on “date nights”      once a week while Susan’s sister watched the baby. They are looking to find new things to do as a couple to combat the monotonous routine of dinner and a movie or mini golf.  

Richard, 59, and Donna, 57, have been married for 35 years and empty-nesters for six years. Richard is a cardiologist and is only a couple of years away from retirement. Donna volunteers at the hospital three days a week to keep busy while her husband is at work. Donna loves to crochet and Richard enjoys working in the garage and golfing with his buddies from work. Both are looking for new hobbies that will keep them active and spend time together. 

Communication Objectives
To greater establish the name of Desert Rat to a wider market, outside of those who are high-level adventurers.

Update and expand mediums through which current advertising is done.

Inspire the people of the St. George area, and its visitors, to be more outgoing and try something new through multiple methods of visual communication.