Thursday, June 5, 2014

Balance, Harmony, Contrast

This photo is mainly about Harmony to me, with the meaning behind it being the most important element to me. I served an LDS mission to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, not a place known for many beautiful things, other than its sunsets. This area is subject to a lot of drug cartel related violence, along with illegal immigrant controversy and other issues. It is also extremely hot and humid for many months of the year. Most days were physically a literal living hell. However, at the end of almost every day, the sun would set on the horizon and provide amazingly stunning and peaceful sunsets, of which I had never seen the likes of.

I love the contrast in this photo of the Rio Grande and the sky above it. The texture of the ripples in the water and the clouds in the sky truly give this a peaceful tone, not the violent one you might experience while watching an episode of "Border Wars." I think the balance of land, water, and sky allows a very appealing and powerful effect.

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